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Wow, what a silly attempt to criticize G+ for a brilliant and yet optional feature. He complains about having to manage too many circles. Ok...so group everyone in one circle, simple enough eh? You don't have to classify your contacts, you can simply put them in an "All" circle. Plus, are you saying it's easier to manage all your friends as individuals like you have to on FB? At least Google provides a way of classifying your friends, better than no way at all. Having too many Circles is the user's fault, and yet in the end, it doesn't even matter since you can easily treat all your contacts as one Circle.

If Google+ does not end up succeeding, it will not be because people get "Circles Fatigue". Sad attempt to be overly critical here.

Precisely! When i read this article my first reaction was 'what the hell!'. Be it any social network, you will have to spend quite some time to getting used to and then trying to make the most out of it. Like in case of twitter, it took me quite some time to arrange my contacts in lists, and same goes for yahoo messenger (when i used it!). Simply critisizing the product on the basis of something which is quite efficient and noteworthy is sad.

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