No drawbacks over what? Over WhatsApp before they got e2e?
Compared to telegram both of these are 5+ years behind. And have a different use case for a lot of users. Telegram being some kind of social media IM with a focus on public content and pubic messaging where the whole security thing is moot anyway.
Personally >99.9% of my messages on telegram are public or at least accessible by strangers which I have zero reason to trust. There is no point encrypting such messages. They are similar to HN comments. I consider these messages public but still like the fact that neither google nor FB indexes or analyses them to send me spam/ads.
>for a messenger that advertises as secure
Its p much PR nonsense but to be fair it also come from the early days when telegram was the only IM with any e2e that had a relevant market share. I think its understandable that they will not remove "secure" from the description after all those years, it would raise some eyebrows if they would suddenly no longer say is secure ryt?
>for a messenger that advertises as secure
Its p much PR nonsense but to be fair it also come from the early days when telegram was the only IM with any e2e that had a relevant market share. I think its understandable that they will not remove "secure" from the description after all those years, it would raise some eyebrows if they would suddenly no longer say is secure ryt?