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One of my favorites as well. To clarify, it was remade. Overload is a remake of Descent all but in name. Mike Kulas and Matt Toschlog, the original Descent programmers, lead the effort along with a number of other Descent 2 and 3 veterans. The story even carries a lot of references to the original game. As I understand it, Parallax lost access to the title, but retained all of the other IP, including the story. It's an excellent game, and plays very much like the original, just updated. There's a very active community for it on Discord.

Unfortunately, as the team said themselves, Overload didn't do too well in sales, and so they've largely ceased development. The game had a number of patches though and it's quite stable. The community still runs frequent events and new levels are being made for it. The creators are active in the Discord as well.

"Descent Underground" took a much different path, and bore little resemblance to the original except for 6DOF and the name. It was going to be a team shooter as I recall, but after their kickstarter, they missed release dates and never went into early access (that I recall). The title eventually was pulled from Steam and last I heard, was still in perpetual limbo.

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