Here's one that isn't about the insulin itself, but is about diabetes.
Some diabetics use a "continuous glucose monitor" to read their blood glucose levels regularly. The information to that device is fed into an app on your phone (for newer devices) that visualizes the data for you.
It doesn't just visualize though, it can also give you alerts. This is an incredibly useful feature! Unfortunately, at least in the ones I have experience with, the metrics they give you to be able to alert on are not good enough. For example, you'd think that "give me an alert when I go below x value" is a useful alert, and it is. However, the app I use only lets me set two alerts: a "low" alert, with the values 100 to 60, and an "urgent low" with the values 55-40. (both are in increments of 5.) That is useful, but what if I want three alerts? What if I want a non-5 value? Sure, you can argue that this isn't necessary, but if it were open source, I would be able to build something to do exactly what I want.
Okay, so that's the first issue here. But here's the real issue: the absolute value is useful, but what's more useful is the rate of change. What I truly want to be able to do is set an alert that says "hey if this suddenly drops 10 points, give me a high priority alert" no matter the absolute value. There have been situations where I've seen a sudden downturn from ~180, dropping by 15 each time, and you don't even know until it crosses that 100 threshold. Likewise, I've seen alerts about it going low because it went from 101 to 100. One of those is very serious, and one of those is irrelevant.
This stuff would significantly increase quality of life. And it's one tiny part of this whole picture of this one condition.
I know exactly that pain! I wish that there was some way for an alert if I'm dropping super drastically.
I'm actually working on reverse engineering the dexcom share api in my free time to create something similar to sugarmate where you can get control of your data and do what you want with it.
But for the time being, have you considered using share2nightscout[0] and grabbing the info into your own control so then you can do the alerting and analysis that you want?