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Fat Dactyls (esoteric.codes)
53 points by esoprogramming on July 16, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

If this kind of thing interests people, the esoteric languages wiki is worth losing some time to.


And also the other posts on esoteric.codes itself, covering esolangs and code art

I've been thinking about a programming language where parts of speech are flexible, so if you define a "square" function you could write both "square 3" and "3 squared".

Already taken to its logical conclusion: https://esolangs.org/wiki/Perligata

Try some of the DSLs for quantum computers. You basically want all of your operators to be commutative.

Have your read “Nine Hundred Grandmothers” by R. A. Lafferty?

i was expecting to read about obese flying dinosaurs

Daktylos just means finger.

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