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I love how animalistic it looks - you could readily give it a realistic dog costume and convince people you had a live pooch (maybe a bit weird, but breeding has produced far less grace in motion than this thing.) I'd like to see it going up and down regular stairs, though.

The A1 bot they're using is $10k, less than some purebred show dogs - maybe we'll see consumer wallet friendly versions of these in the next decade. Rote yardwork, cleaning trash and sidewalks, clearing animals and bugs from crawlspaces and tight areas - heck, a "pack"of these could probably help animal control folks herd strays.

Even if battery life is only 30 minutes between recharging there might be a valuable niche for these guys. Imagine festival and event cleanups, retrieving needles and glass and other unsavory or unsafe hazards would be much safer and more thorough.

These could have a rich platform for tons of applications once the navigation is solved, and this looks like a big milestone.

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