I know everyone here really likes Linux, but bash is kinda a joke compared to powershell when it comes to usability. Everything from the way piping works to function names, makes powershell easier for the beginner and memorability. The best way to figure out how to do something in bash is to google it and hope someone answered the question in SO. With powershell I just go to ms docs and scroll through the functions until I see the one function name that is self descriptive, and after a 2 min read of the docs I’m usually set.
That’s not to say powershell is perfect but on the whole it’s a lot easier to find the thing you’re looking for, and you don’t usually have to wade through SO snark to do it.
Agree. Make Windows more Linux like where possible, not the other way around. Understand that most of us will never use Windows Server products but we will use Windows 10 if it works well enough as a development platform. Do away with the Teen Titans design aesthetic - carefully study what macOS is doing. Keep the fast, keep the low power consumption and keep the solidness however.
I've looked at the busybox source, and it appears to me that bash compatibility that is added to the Almquist shell is a very thin veneer, not much more than defining [[ as an alias for [ (test).
If you're looking for arrays, you will be sorely disappointed AFAIK.
On the contrary I wish Windows shipped with busybox, so that it would be easier to run scripts with some bashisms portably.