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Uh, don't you mean within reason? What if I wanted you to be my slave? And markets can have negative externalities, especially on the existing markets they're dependent of, so I think some of the concern is justified even though I'm typically pro-free market.

Of course I mean within reason, why wouldn't I.

I don't see how your statement that if you wanted me to be your slave applies. But, say you did want me to be your slave, if I could profit from it and held the reward for doing so as greater than doing my own thing, then yes you can pay me to be your slave (not that that would ever happen). In that case am I still you slave or have we entered into an voluntary agreement? If you plan to use force to make me your slave, well then we don't even have a market do we!

Yes I do agree that there may be a negative externality, but why is of any concern to ICANN unless they violate others rights. Have they violated someones right to only have a dozen or so TLDs? If so, prove that there is such a right.

There is a market, there is demand. So again, why is it wrong for someone to profit by providing a solution that does not violate someone else's right?

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