First, HN includes more than hacking and startups. Quting from the HN guidelines, "anything that gratifies one's intellectual curiosity" can be submitted. Instead of posting a dismissive comment, you could also ask yourself - or the community - what others find interesting about this topic?
Here is my take: Mudras are an elaborate form of encoded symbolism with a long history in culture that influences a large part of the world. People trained in classical Indian dance will be able to decode a story based on these gestures, whereas someone who doesn't know much about it won't get the meaning. If you think about it like that, it's quite similar to code. At the end of the day, computer code is also just symbolism - so we as practitioners of this particular kind of symbolism can always learn about other forms of symbolism to improve our craft.
Here is my take: Mudras are an elaborate form of encoded symbolism with a long history in culture that influences a large part of the world. People trained in classical Indian dance will be able to decode a story based on these gestures, whereas someone who doesn't know much about it won't get the meaning. If you think about it like that, it's quite similar to code. At the end of the day, computer code is also just symbolism - so we as practitioners of this particular kind of symbolism can always learn about other forms of symbolism to improve our craft.