Rich Hickey goes into detail how he designed and implemented Clojure. One thing that stood out was a focus on a really small, conservative core, where the vast majority of clojure’s features are implemented as libraries, based on a small, core language. Other languages would need to extend the syntax to achieve the same.
A great read, and I don’t program Clojure in any respect, but I do want to after reading it.
Thanks for the link. I'll take a read when I have some time :)
If there is a small core, it's not necessarily obvious. Yes, a lot of things are pushed out to libraries, but even the basic language features, liked (defn) (cond) (ns) threading etc. - are all implemented through macros. There is prolly a small subset of the language is which is actually made of language primitives implemented in Java or JS. From a language development point of view this probably makes life much easier. And if you wanted to port Clojure to a different backend then that'd probably be much easier than a language where syntax is added more explicitly. There is a design elegance to it, but as a language user it really makes no difference if a feature is a macro or language primitive. I mean to say Clojure isn't big, but it's not some barebones Scheme-y thing either. It probably has a Scheme-y core, but you'd need to root around to find it
Rich Hickey goes into detail how he designed and implemented Clojure. One thing that stood out was a focus on a really small, conservative core, where the vast majority of clojure’s features are implemented as libraries, based on a small, core language. Other languages would need to extend the syntax to achieve the same.
A great read, and I don’t program Clojure in any respect, but I do want to after reading it.