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"in the US"...

This habit if speaking as if one is the center of the universe is a bit tiring

Please don't take HN threads on generic flamewar tangents, and definitely not nationalistic flamewar. That is even more tiring.



Is it? There's only about 3 million people in SV; Houston or Chicago are larger. While SV may have a disproportionate representation on HN, that area is likely still a small percentage of the users here. (as a single data point, I'm in Houston)

edit: according to dang, about 10%


All that vitriol for not adding a clause to make you feel included?

The majority of HN posters are probably in the US.

I don't get upset when articles are posted about the Bay Area, where I don't happen to live.

I will make a guess that majority of HN readers are outside the US of A.

No, number are about half split in two: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26869936

Not GP but that does surprise me too. I would've guessed USA by far the largest single country, but <<50% total.

(dang does say there that's a few years old, so could've changed a bit, but I think I would've guessed the same then too.)


Both of those statements are false. HN is neither by, nor for, an SV audience, and you can easily tell that by the many critical perspectives that appear here on every topic associated with SV.

Would you remind reviewing the site guidelines? They ask you not to post the kind of flamebait and name-calling that you added to this thread.


This type of defense is totally disingenuous. You refered to this website as "SV's boys club", and now are arguing you are just being "pithy".

I neither live in SV nor am a boy and that doesn't have any impact on the value I get from this site. The fact that the majority of users are from the US and hence some articles have a US focus is also unsurprising.

If a large enough percentage of users of a site are from a given country then isn’t it natural that those users will unconsciously make a corresponding assumption in their posts. This is especially so since for most Americans talk about neighboring countries is low.

Last I checked, about 50% of HN readers were in the US, and of course many of those come from other countries originally.

It seems to me that a website in English that has 50% users coming from the U.S. qualifies for the 'if' part of my statement. I think it's understandable for there to be a U.S. centric viewpoint on this site. Not that this is a good thing but it is understandable. It would be good in general for Americans to have a less U.S. centric view. (I grew up in an American colony overseas.)

Sure, I don't think that part of your statement was a problem. You're kind of dipping a toe into nationalistic flamebait though, which is probably why the GP got downvoted.

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