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A big problem with github-as-resume for the experienced developer is that it destroys the idea of side-projects as play. I can no longer just fool around with something for the sake of fooling around with it. I now have to judge whether my “fool-around” project is good enough to go on github and be evaluated by potential hiring managers. And if not, I need to ask why I’m working on it, rather than working on something that I’d want a hiring manager to see.

Moreover, everything I put out there now needs to be of professional quality, including comments, code organization, adherence to conventions, etc. And from the beginning, because hiring manager might look at logs and frown upon the fact that I inserted a bunch of comments, and cleaned up a much of memory leaks, two days before I applied for the job.

For a side-project in a technology that I use at the office, this basically makes side projects the same as work. Which is going to lead to burnout really fast.

For a side-project in a new technology, I’d be much less inclined to take my time to learn something new. My first few attempts at writing something in a programming language I’m learning are invariably something I don’t want anyone else to see. But again, why would I take time to work on something that I can’t put on github, if that’s how I’m being judged?

Excellent points. If github-as-resume becomes commonplace, we can expect to see lots of methods for gaming it, as Goodhart's law would predict: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodharts_law.

Sounds reasonable, but this is how you feel. Personally I like to see the Ruby on Rails tutorial code in someone's GitHub.

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