We have plenty of flying things that ordinary people can afford. Ultralights, powered paragliders, some cheap helicopters, etc. The legal reality of flying things means that they'll never be useful for mass transportation: if you thought drunk driving was bad, wait'll you see drunk flying. Do you want some dumbass crashing into your roof in the middle of the night? Or hell, crashing into you, when you're both 300 feet in the air? Fact is, we've got a nation full of people who can't handle the responsibility of living next to a McDonald's, flight is like a joke.
We have plenty of flying things that ordinary people can afford. Ultralights, powered paragliders, some cheap helicopters, etc. The legal reality of flying things means that they'll never be useful for mass transportation: if you thought drunk driving was bad, wait'll you see drunk flying. Do you want some dumbass crashing into your roof in the middle of the night? Or hell, crashing into you, when you're both 300 feet in the air? Fact is, we've got a nation full of people who can't handle the responsibility of living next to a McDonald's, flight is like a joke.