Australia has a bi-cameral system structured very much like the US, with the lower house being geographic regions of roughly equal population, while the upper house is State based, with equal representation of each State.
In terms of voting, our lower house is ranked choice, our upper house is party-list based ("vote 1 above the line") with the option of individual selections instead ("number the candidates of your choice from 1").
Australia ends up with a two-sided lower house, but the conservative side is actually a coalition of business and rural parties. So it is actually multi-party, in fact, there's a spat going on right now between the urban "Liberal" (right wing conservative fiscally "liberal") and "National" (rural agrarian socialists, privatizing gains, socializing losses, internally split between being pro-resource-extraction industries and agricultural industries).
So we have that same multi-party representation, just our coalitions are more rigid.
In terms of voting, our lower house is ranked choice, our upper house is party-list based ("vote 1 above the line") with the option of individual selections instead ("number the candidates of your choice from 1").
Australia ends up with a two-sided lower house, but the conservative side is actually a coalition of business and rural parties. So it is actually multi-party, in fact, there's a spat going on right now between the urban "Liberal" (right wing conservative fiscally "liberal") and "National" (rural agrarian socialists, privatizing gains, socializing losses, internally split between being pro-resource-extraction industries and agricultural industries).
So we have that same multi-party representation, just our coalitions are more rigid.