It's possible, and I imagine would be a very cool feature for a shopping app!
We went to the B2B path after launching Style Space ( and realize we don't know how to run e-commerce haha. Might revisit the shopping app / marketplace idea once we have more validation and tractions.
Apologies for the late reply. I downloaded Style Space yesterday after you mentioned here, and the main problem really just was not being able to import my own photos.
A consumer play might be super interesting here; let users import their own photos, make their own outfits, share it with their friends, and add referral/affiliate links on the way to checkout. I work on consumer tech, so email's in my profile if you want to chat more.
Curation is becoming a big part of the next wave of online influence and you have a very unique opportunity to capitalize on that.
Frankly, I think it's just very hard to get the kind of effect you're imagining. I know this company that does what you want, but I don't think their rendering is close to what you're imagining. We recognize it's difficulty, so want to start with a more constrained case, maybe will eventually get there :)