1) would love to rotate the model to see how it looks from all angles.
This our current product can do, if we were are able to get the side and back garment image from retailer (surprisingly a lot of them don't carry these images).
2) being able to customize the model to look similar to me (so I can get a sense for how the clothes would fit on my body) would be awesome.
This one is very hard, despite a lot of ask on it. We're working on it!
From a purely layman's perspective, why couldn't you get a head to toe photo of a subject, then have the subject enter in their height, then use that measurement to get the relative measurements of other body parts? You'd need a way to quickly identify the points of the body, but i can't imagine that is the difficult part here? The head to toe photo of the subject would need to be wearing skin tight apparel, such as underwear to ensure clothing doesn't throw the relative measurements off.
Interested to know where my assumptions here don't line up with reality.
Haha, cool idea! I thought we might had this discussion sometime internally. The truth is we haven't got time to explore it yet.
One possible difficulty I see is still how do we collect the face data / body data. Image generation has a strong bias toward domain -- meaning if we use one kind of faces during training, we will need that same kind of face during inference (with the same angle, lighting, etc..). It's possible but need more thoughts on how to ask users for good image.
I think that's one reason we avoid user uploaded images so far, bc it's hard for users to understand exactly what kind of image we need, and why their images doesn't work well sometimes. There's a lot to explore on this front before we can get a market ready product.
Two things:
1) would love to rotate the model to see how it looks from all angles
2) being able to customize the model to look similar to me (so I can get a sense for how the clothes would fit on my body) would be awesome.