> This is one of the reasons I ended up using Linux
This is one of the reasons I ended up ditching Linux for Windows+WSL.
Disabling mouse cursor acceleration under X11, for example, depends on which of at least three different X.org mouse drivers you are using (really old, evdev, or libinput). And web searches often turn up an unreliable or incorrect method. (Search this article's comments for "xinput" to find more info I just typed up for another reply.)
And if you use a Logitech unifying receiver you need to research that the program you need is 'solaar' to pair/unpair your mouse under Linux.
And if your bluetooth mouse or keyboard goes to sleep too fast under Linux (5 seconds in my case) you might need to add this to your grub boot params (worked for me):
$ sudo vi /etc/default/grub
# Add btusb.enable_autosuspend=n to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
The point is, researching all this hardware config stuff is time I could have been using to research more interesting computer science problems. I sure can get my printer working much faster under Windows than Linux....
Gnome and KDE offer options to fix this out of the box, and while that's not a tacit approval of installing full-fat DEs on every system, I think the average user won't have to worry about this unless they're using a bare-bones WM on a stripped down compositor, at which point I'd argue their already well-versed enough in Linux-fu to know how to fix it.
That said though, I get it. I think the pervasive myth of "the year of the Linux desktop" riles people up into believing that Linux has finally "Windows-ified" itself, which it hasn't.
This is one of the reasons I ended up ditching Linux for Windows+WSL.
Disabling mouse cursor acceleration under X11, for example, depends on which of at least three different X.org mouse drivers you are using (really old, evdev, or libinput). And web searches often turn up an unreliable or incorrect method. (Search this article's comments for "xinput" to find more info I just typed up for another reply.)
And if you use a Logitech unifying receiver you need to research that the program you need is 'solaar' to pair/unpair your mouse under Linux.
And if your bluetooth mouse or keyboard goes to sleep too fast under Linux (5 seconds in my case) you might need to add this to your grub boot params (worked for me):
$ sudo vi /etc/default/grub
# Add btusb.enable_autosuspend=n to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
$ sudo update-grub
The point is, researching all this hardware config stuff is time I could have been using to research more interesting computer science problems. I sure can get my printer working much faster under Windows than Linux....