See Bitcoin Standard podcast and or book for more on hard money and economics under it.
And or the Mises Institute for the low down on Austrian economic viewpoints that answer many of the questions that Kaynsians can't.
And on top of that the fed itself says we've already had 4.2% CPI inflation this year.
But, that's trusting the stakeholders in the inflation game to be honest.
If you remove the constant adjustments to the CPI you get a _much_ higher rate of inflation than governments will admit.
See Bitcoin Standard podcast and or book for more on hard money and economics under it.
And or the Mises Institute for the low down on Austrian economic viewpoints that answer many of the questions that Kaynsians can't.
And on top of that the fed itself says we've already had 4.2% CPI inflation this year.
But, that's trusting the stakeholders in the inflation game to be honest.
If you remove the constant adjustments to the CPI you get a _much_ higher rate of inflation than governments will admit.