Personally, I am a Windows 10 fan. I have tried Linux but found the command line experience sub optimal ( explained on ) - except for the filesystem!
So for my next Windows 10 installation, I preparing a KVM GPU passthrough, just to keep using msys2 on MinTTY for a wonderful user interface, yet with a great filesystem behind (a raid of NVMe, datasets snapshotting etc...)
I am going to be honest, I can't figure out if the cutexterm README is trolling me or not. You list some features that cutexterm has, but don't make it clear what advantages it has over existing terminal emulators. Sixel support is nice but maybe show examples on why we might want support for it. I don't know what I would use it for.
If it was not intended as a troll, I suggest not to referring to linux enthusiasts as Millenials (sic) with Stockholm syndrome.
> You list some features that cutexterm has, but don't make it clear what advantages it has over existing terminal emulators
cutexterm is just a configuration of xterm. I tried to make the best out of my Linux experience by spending a lot of time working on what I perceive as commandline usability issues. Hopefully, it will save some time to other people, if only by showing the limitations of the approach.
In the end, I give up, because it's a dead end. This is why I will do a KVM GPU passthrough: to get a proper terminal experience with proper font support, sixel support, etc. thanks to mintty on Windows 10.
> Sixel support is nice but maybe show examples on why we might want support for it. I don't know what I would use it for.
When I ssh to a server, running gnuplot remotely saves me a lot of time. When I need to check a video file, I run mpv - and so on, so proper sixel support is very important to my workflow.
Maybe it's not important for yours. Or if your terminal emulator did not support it, maybe you never became dependent on this feature?
Personally, I couldn't do without it.
> I suggest not to referring to linux enthusiasts as Millenials (sic) with Stockholm syndrome.
Uh, that's just my personal judgement. I can't explain otherwise why someone would prefer anything besides mintty if they have had the opportunity to use it on Windows 10.
With Edge running on Linux (and even syncing works now!) I have less of a need to run Windows 10, but I still prefer it. So I'm going back while keeping the good things I gained from ZFS :-)
If you are not annoyed by the Linux terminals, I guess we just have different tastes/preferences.
Check : it's not just for servers. The performance gains and extra features make it worth doing for a regular desktop.
Personally, I am a Windows 10 fan. I have tried Linux but found the command line experience sub optimal ( explained on ) - except for the filesystem!
So for my next Windows 10 installation, I preparing a KVM GPU passthrough, just to keep using msys2 on MinTTY for a wonderful user interface, yet with a great filesystem behind (a raid of NVMe, datasets snapshotting etc...)
That should give the best of both worlds!