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Do you know if there is any standardized way to serve metadata on the papers themselves? I want to serve my findings in a way that makes them easy for others to include in metastudies but I'm not allowed to share the raw data (privacy reasons)

All I have found is ScienceVerse [1] that aims to develop a syntax/"a Grammar of Science"

[1] https://scienceverse.github.io/scienceverse/

I don't understand the question. Maybe you could give an example of the sort of metadata you want to share.

I recommend these article for discussions of how to share when you can't share all your raw data publicly because of participant privacy:

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2766-y (I am a co-author)


There's some more discussion in the article linked in the parent to but it's mostly not about that.

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