Thanks for the offer, man. But I was looking for something else that describes typical startups (don't think all startups are "hip"...whichever meaning the word implies).
(Believe it or not) I initially wanted to name the magazine "HUSTLE".
You could almost say it has a 'hardcore' edge to it. Seriously, you would always be in the shadow of Hustler magazine in terms of mindshare. Just do a quite Google search for hustle magazine (no quotes) to see where they would be starting off from a branding perspective.
Not worth having that kind of initial hinderance to overcome.
Yeah, I noticed that after I've decided to use the name. There's also a magazine called "Startups" from Entrepreneur (the magazine that sues entrepreneur
It is actually really hard to find a good (and memorable) magazine name with available domain name. But instead of keep looking for the perfect name, I've decided to stick with this first and focus on producing the magazine.
I would pay for this too. I used to read magazines like Entrepreneur but they're filled with ads and full of fluff info. If it actually contains stories of substance, I'd pay a small subscription every month for it. Go for it!
I just subscribed and look forward to receiving issues. One challenge you might have is consistently coming up with good stories. Hacker News started out as Startup News but in PG's words (paraphrased) they quickly got bored of just startup stories and sought to broaden it by making it about more than just startups--and renamed it Hacker News. I believe TechCrunch also started out with this mission but after the initial few months kind of lost steam and realized that they got more pageviews by attacking established companies. Arrington has been quoted saying he'd like to someday create a site about just startups. I'm not sure how he will make it successful this time.
One nitpick I have with Hacker Monthly is that I get the digital copy a lot faster than the physical copy. A day or two difference is okay, but I myself reading the digital copy before the physical copy arrives.
I don't know how much of this is caused by the just-in-time nature of MagCloud, but it would be ideal if the physical would arrive on the first of the month or if the digital issue could be delayed by a few days.
I love getting the physical copy, but the delivery leaves a bit to be desired. I think this aspect is important if you really want to become like a traditional magazine and not just blog articles printed out and bound every 30 (+/- 10) days.
Have I got a story to tell. I'm a founder of a bootstrapped startup in Central Florida, which is by all means on the opposite side of the world when it comes to tech. Got a great product and an excellent team but just struggling to break through. Southeast tech struggles.
Great idea. Some nitpicking: your logo looks extremely reminiscent of the National Geographic logo. You might want to give some though to changing that.
EDIT: LOL, I offer a free domain name and get downvoted :P gotta love HN.
EDIT2: Now, to troll, everyone is upvoting me :)