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There are about 3 slightly different methods for doing FizzBuzz, in any language, and this was but one of them.

You could express it also as an empty string, then concatenating as necessary: ''' // to those objecting to using a modulo-15 test, // we could have done the above code as follows: var ss = "" if mod(b.cell_seq, 3) == 0 "Fizz" &=> ss if mod(b.cell_seq, 5) == 0 "Buzz" &=> ss if ss == "" ss = to_str(b.cell_seq) '''

The problem with FizzBuzz as a programming language exploration is that it is far too short of a program to reveal the totality of a language, since it only consists of using the if/pattern match capability, modulo function, concatenating strings, and converting an integer to a string. The Stock market ticker program is a much better demo of the language, because it shows how to do client/server programming in a very easy way.

I think that is a better FizzBuzz example. You are right that it isn't meant to showcase the whole language, but lacking a composable solution (mod N1 || mod N2... for N prime factors) makes me immediately think the language does not lend itself well to that kind of composition.

And as others mentioned, Fizzbuzz is merely a "can you program anything test." But I do prefer the "general" fizzbuzzjazz, which accepts a list of numbers and a list of words [fizz, buzz, jazz,...] and emits the strings for appropriate prime factors.

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