I am not asking people to shut up. As it happens, I always am the one that shuts up. Just the other day a guy was loudly explaining why free healthcare is such a bad thing right behind me. What did I do? Shut up. I had work to do. Perhaps in a different setting I would have discussed politics and offered an alternative view. But I had no choice but to shut up, because I was working, which is what I have to do to provide for my family. Needless to say, I felt aggravated by not only his politics which argues that I shouldn't have healthcare, but the fact that he cared to violate my right to be undisturbed while working. Just look at it this way: would you find it OK if people started talking religion at work? Like "my religion is right and yours isn't". Or would you find it OK if people started advertising brands? Like "Good morning. I don't care you guys are working. I'm going to stand here and talk for 15 minutes to tell you how product XYZ is exactly what you need".
Politics is today's religion, and in religion there will always be zealots who put their idol above everything (and everyone) else. All I ask for is respect. Today's open offices will turn into torture chambers if we bring politics there. Please use restraint, be kind to others
I agree that off-topic conversations at work can be a problem. I think your coworker shouldn't have done that. But your coworker could have been just as much of a pain talking about his car or his wife or his opinions on sports teams. The problem is not "politics".
There are also plenty of on-topic conversations that will get ruled out under a "no politics" rule. For example, the question "Why is everybody here white?" is an important workplace conversation, as is "Why do we pay women with similar experience less money?" and "Why are we letting the VP of Sales bang the interns?" But these are seen as highly political. And I think those are the real target of "no politics" bans.
Just look at Basecamp as an example. Turns out they had for years been making fun of customer names. When that was brought up, one of the complaints was that making fun of ethnic names can be racist, and that low-grade racism lays societal support for the more obviously dangerous kinds. That so enraged one of the powerful white dudes in the company "politics" was banned and the DEI committee was scrapped. Which in turn led to more than a third of the company quitting. They're bidding those staff goodbye and sticking with the ban on "politics".
Refusal to discuss racism is an obviously political move, so if anything the quantity of "politics" at Basecamp has increased. I think the real meaning of the bans is "the comfort of people doing well under the status quo should be preserved", which is deeply political.
Politics is today's religion, and in religion there will always be zealots who put their idol above everything (and everyone) else. All I ask for is respect. Today's open offices will turn into torture chambers if we bring politics there. Please use restraint, be kind to others