Hi James -- we do pride ourselves on our customer support and as you've seen on Twitter I do a lot of support personally too, and have my email publicly to help people.
In this case, it was a technical issue -- we're still trying to understand what and why it happened but GMail automatically trashed your email and so Front didn't assign it to our support staff.
I mean, here's one instance where gmail's uber sophisticated AI seems to have classified a seemingly legit email spam?
For a company that prides itself in customer service, I don't see any other way but to run their own email exchange (ala Amazon) because their private systems can then discern between email-ids of paying customers and spam, if nothing else.
I don't get that. Normal downtime is about the hardest way to fuck up email. I believe the last time my small office mail server didn't deliver legitimate mail was when I was 18 and haven't quite figured out yet what the hell was running on all these computers, and it literally ran a week with disk full.
I mean there are things about Gmail that might make one think - I shouldn't use this as the email of my business if it is important to me - lots of them exposed and upvoted on this forum.
For a small startup, I like GrooveHQ. It’s like the Zendesk experience but less janky, much simpler, and well suited to a small team. Just have your support emails forward to Groove. Will still be email support from your user’s perspective. You can keep your current workflow going but turn on forwarding to try it out.
In my experience, any ticketing system will be a huge improvement over using a shared gmail inbox for support.
I've run my own for 15 years with no problems. So I recommend learning how to set up postfix. If you prefer not to do that, people here seem to praise fastmail pretty uniformly.
In this case, it was a technical issue -- we're still trying to understand what and why it happened but GMail automatically trashed your email and so Front didn't assign it to our support staff.
Here is a screenshot from Front: https://imgur.com/a/POb5hEE
Nonetheless this is good feedback and we'll do better in the future and make it easier to contact us from the site.