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I think it's incredible how Buddism and Stoicism arrived at such similar perspectives. And they are both incredibly relevant hundreds of years later.

I like the analogy with school bullies :)

Replying here to "F.ex. I want to live in a beach house in a relative solitude (with nearest city at 30-50km). Would I belong to the modern world then?" because I cannot reply directly to it: I think there is a compromise between how much of the physical environment we can change vs is imposed by the rest of society. But I don't think you need to physically isolate to make impactful change. You can create a completely different experience, that nudges you in different directions while living even in an apartment in the city. With our wealth, information access and technology, each of us can push himself in a different direction through our information diet for example, objects in the home and their arrangement, intentional habits.

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