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"But Rossmann hopes to raise it. As a repair technician slash right to repair advocate slash YouTube personality, he has expertise and clout that he’s looking to leverage in his latest endeavor: trying to put the right to repair for consumer electronics on the ballot in Massachusetts.

To do so, Rossmann started the Repair Group Preservation Action Fund, a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, and launched a fundraiser on March 30. So far, he has raised more than $700,000 toward his $6 million goal, which by all accounts isn’t nearly enough, given his potential opponents could be tech and telecom giants like Apple, Verizon and T-Mobile.

“It’s not that we’re against it,” said Gordon-Byrne. “God bless him for trying. But I think our ability to sponsor that is very limited. We gotta find some friendly billionaires.”

The move is risky, even if Rossmann can raise $6 million.

“If you lose on the ballot, that really makes it tough to get other people to pick it up again, because it’s kind of like you’ve lost your proof of concept,” said Nathan Proctor, director of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group’s right to repair campaign.5"

1. I hope Louis succeeds for his state's sake.

2. My fear is what the big companies did CA. A few legislators introduced bills aimed at ending E-waste, or Right to Repair. The big boys used their money to squash the bills, and succeeded stupendously. All it took was a few scare commercials.

3. The big pocketed companies made these rediculious commercials. They featured a thief, or rapist, gaining access to your vechicle in a dark parking lot. This was supposedly due to the bad guy having access to schematics.

California has had 2, or 3 bills over (E-waste) Right to Repair Bills; and they all failed.

Failed-----------. This is beyond frustrating to me.

Corporations own Sacramento. Be it tech, insurance, or Realator's, they are making our lives more expensive. I won't even get started on the Insurance industry Lobbiests. (My blood pressure is climbing)

We Californians need to smarten up.

If we get another shot at Right to Repair, I guarantee you won't be raped in a parking garage because someone reverse engineered a gadget to take over your vechicle, or you.

If you main concern is someone taking control of your vehicle I would allow all security schematics exempt from Right to Repair.

Now let's the next bill passed.

I would like a Proposition, but they would Uber us?

(I'm not angry over just Right to Repair. It a lot. It mandatory vechicle insurance, smog checks that are pricey, and too frequent, Insurance rates that I guarantee are price colluded, outrageous traffic fines for infractions, driving past 10 pm, and being pulled over for no reason. Cops think we all get hammered like they do?, harassing homeless for sleeping, etc.)

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