Less than most actually. Most have no practical means to act against the interest of pools, whose operators have most of the real control that people ascribe to miners.
For Bitcoin, Stratum v2 will solve this problem and return block creation power to the miners instead of the handful of large pool operators, which will be a huge win. However, even then, miners are beholden to the actively spending economic majority.
... You should look into what Stratum v2 is. By "running your own block creation infrastructure", do you mean running a pool? No infrastructure is needed. Creating a block is very easy and cheap. What's expensive is repeatedly hashing that block enough times to mine the block.
Stratum v2 doesn't get rid of mining pools, it just puts the block creation in the hands of individual miners. Pools still get a cut, and pool miners still share the rewards. This is because Stratum v2 makes certain requirements of blocks created by miners such that when they mine a block, the pool and everyone properly gets paid along with it.