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Do you have a bunch of these lists tucked away specifically for this purpose?

Nope, I just use HN search to find them - but I have software that makes it fast to do, including formatting the lists. Previous times this came up, if anyone is curious:




I'm thinking of adding code to macroexpand all HN links (to submissions) that people post, into the same format I'm using above: "Title - <url> - mm/yy - (number of comments)". Can anybody think of a downside to doing that?

Longer term, we'd like to make this a community thing so everyone can curate these lists collaboratively. There are often major related threads that don't show up in the obvious HN searches, because their titles didn't include the obvious search terms. For any such thread there's probably at least one HN user who remembers it, and I'd love to give them a chance to add it.

There's also the related (no pun intended) question of how to bundle together related articles on current ongoing stories, whether or not they have HN threads.

We should have something like the Wikipedia list of lists of lists, sorted by HN submissions on several topics.

Would make sense for classics like these !

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