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OTCC: 445-line C compiler written in C (bellard.org)
40 points by coderdude on July 2, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

It is very interesting to see a serious project that started as an IOCCC entry.

Too sad that the IOCCC got stuck in the last few years ...

Yes, what happened to the IOCCC?

Their latest news entries, as well as the linked Slashdot article, make a pretty sad impression:



This is by the same guy who made that Linux in your browser a few weeks ago. Even this compiler was included in it.

Edit: typo.

No. That was TCC.

I was expecting OTCC to stand for “One True C Compiler”, as in the One True Brace Style. I’m glad its actual full name isn’t so hubristic as that.

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