Because it's not needed, you can save even more by minifying + compressing. And if you want to view it normally, either you can get the formatted version of the code just by clicking on pretty print in chrome or ff or you can load from source map instead
The pretty print is far, far from the original. Function names, variable names, comments, structure like if turning into ?:, etc. You indeed need to provide map files and that's often not done. Given how marginal the gains are, I can see the author's point.
Right, but that's where you can split my response into two:
either you minify by removing comments and whitespaces - then pretty print is enough. The other option is that you also mangle the code and obfuscate it, remove variable names etc. and that's when source maps comes into play
in more seriousness though - please minify, but don't obfuscate, or even better don't use js if it isn't completly necessary