Firefox (and Chrome) updates should be seen in the same way as virus definition updates - something that can indeed cause chaos [1][2][3], but is too useful and sensible to do any other way. Similarly to virus definition updates, typically these updates don't get tested before being rolled out.
There are a few big differences between virus def updates and browser updates:
1) virus def updates rarely cause any problems whatsoever. Whereas browser updates are actually just the opposite. At enterprises its not uncommon that even dot releases break some apps. So those apps need to get fixed, before wide rollout.
2) Virus def updates, when they do break people, break a LOT of people very visibly. That is, if you wait a day on a virus def update, you can pretty quickly see if it broke ppl just by doing an online search. Whereas with browser updates, its a lot more difficult to tell if any of your apps will be broken with a given update.
3) Virus def updates are often fixing issues that have the potential to directly effect your business. Whereas, except for security fixes in browsers, browser updates won't have any effect on the business. It's rare that you have an app waiting to be deployed, but you're waiting on the next version of FF for a new feature or bug fix. IOW, you're taking risk, with no upside.
At enterprises its not uncommon that even dot releases break some apps.
In my experience (nearly 15 years in enterprise development) this isn't the case at all. It used to be the case, especially with apps that used plugins or Java (both of which were common in the early 2000s), but for the most part these apps have gone now.
I think it is very, very unlikely that any non-client-Java webapp that runs in Firefox 3.x will break in any significant way in any future release.
I work at a big tech MNC right now. We have apps that still require IE6. These are global apps. This company is also lauded for some amazing tech. Sometimes it's just difficult to allocate the necessary resources to update an app, and sometimes it's not worth it. In other cases, all the people who made the app just moved on and there's insufficient documentation to know how the app works. The code analysis process alone would be atrocious, and companies prefer to put pressure on revenue-generating initiatives, not maintenance initiatives, because if it ain't broke, don't fix it. And this is why all our computers still have IE6 installed.... @@ Fortunately, I've also got Chrome and Firefox on here because I have admin rights.
edit: Given how long mainframes have been around, is it really that much of a stretch to say that these kind of legacy web apps could still be around for a few years yet, if they're really integrated deep into an organization's processes?
Yep. Hence my comment "I think it is very, very unlikely that any non-client-Java webapp that runs in Firefox 3.x will break in any significant way in any future release"
IE6-only (and IE-only) exist in the enterprise. That doesn't really impact on the Firefox upgrade strategy, since people don't use Firefox to access them.
(Also, MS is slowly dropping support for operating systems supporting IE6. Enterprises are very reluctant to use unsupported operating systems.)
Didn't all that untouchable but still working mainframe stuff at some point get stuck in an emulated window, or screen-scraped into a web app, rather than have everyone stuck on terminals forever?
It would be pretty ironic, but thanks to HTML probably not that hard, to be screen scraping an IE only web app to make it available to other web browsers.
Lots of the IE6 only "webapps" use (in part at least) ActiveX controls.
That's what makes them so hard to port - they aren't really webapps at all - just (old style, non .NET) client-server VB programs that happen to be deployed as ActiveX controls in a web page.
At some point IT will stop treating crusty enterprise web apps as web apps and start treating them as legacy enterprise apps that run in IE6.
Instead of mandating everyone run IE6 from now to eternity, IT will provide a Citrix link to launch the crusty web app inside the controlled Citrix environment, and allow users to use more modern browsers by default.
Sometime it's not significant break, but some little difference may cause many support calls logged, depends on the organization size. And I believe many organization are still using legacy system.
On the other hand, bad virus updates have a habit of purging critical system files, leaving machines unbootable. They have the power to be extraordinarily destructive; good luck getting a browser to do that.
Indeed def updates can do that (and have). I wouldn't say they have a habit of it though. I've done maybe 1,000 of them in the past few years -- not one has had that hiccup.
With that said though, except for high priority zero-days, we would actually roll ours up with our other patches so we can test them all together. There's only been a couple of times where we only did a smoke test and deploy def updates -- but we always do some testing on them. Always.
The issue here is the mixing of new features and security updates. As a sysadmin, I would happily (and do!) roll out periodic security updates without significant testing, for the reasons that you outline.
But when the software is deliberately adding/removing features, I have a number of reasons why I would be wary. You might remove a feature I was using, change the way that your features behave, or change the interface and cause confusion for users.
I've seen cases of all of these, and if I wasn't actively managing the upgrade then we'd have had real-world problems that cost us time and (potentially) money.
It's not that they don't know this, it's that they don't care. Corporations used to have so much power over tech adoption that this used to be the software developers problem and it cost them time and money. Now with growing consumerization (what version of Google Search did your IT dept. approve? Which iPhone browser version?) the balance of power has shifted and it's now the corporations' problem.
Now that the pain point has been shifted it will soon become apparent to corporations that the current system is untenable, just as Chrome and Firefox discovered it was. The browsers couldn't change things except to pass the buck whereas the corporations can actually fix it, or be outcompeted by those that do (just as Firefox and IE were outcompeted by Chrome choosing this path).
The third option for big corps. is to bluster and try and frighten Firefox into acting more like IE than Chrome by claiming it will hurt adoption if they don't do what they want. You only have to look at the Chrome, IE and Firefox usage graphs over the last few years to see which way Firefox should be jumping.
To be honest I see this as the canary in the coalmine for "enterprise" web apps.
If they are so brittle as to be this dependent upon browser versions, versus throw the new version on a machine and run it through your browser tests with say selenium, how can it be depended upon?
To me the root problem is internal web apps with atrocious testing, or more importantly lack thereof.
This isn't necessarily an either/or thing. They can both be right... it's all a matter of perspective.
So what can enterprises do?
One option is to wait and see if some enterprising (no pun intended) young startup emerges, that offers long-term support for older versions of Firefox. If EnterpriseBrowser Inc. existed today, and sold a guaranteed support program (including backports of security fixes) for, say, Firefox 4, for, say, 5 years, they could probably make some nice coin from the corporate customers.
It doesn't even have to be a for-profit startup as far as that goes... a few $BIGCORPs might pool some resources and create a new open-source project to maintain older releases. Who knows?
From my experience, the next IE6 is IE7/IE8. They both have the strangest quirks.
(as a random example, in IE7, try setting the hash of an iframe, from an iframe inside of that, and if they're on different domains. It... opens up a new window?! And the fix for this is to have another iframe inside that inner iframe which is the same domain as the iframe you want to set the hash on, and from that, do parent.parent.location='#whatever'; %^$^&$#@$&)
(and in IE8, WHY does postMessage not work properly across popups opened up from iframes? WHY.)
It's obviously going to be IE8. Anyone can upgrade from 7 to 8, but to upgrade to 9 you have to be running something more modern than XP, which isn't going away anytime soon.
Indeed. XP itself is a major reason IE6 hangs around so much. XP installation discs and images only ever came with IE6, never anything newer. And with the frequency that most corporate workstations get reassigned and recreated and reinstalled, IE6 comes out of its casket all the time. It's not that these corps are scared or ignorant of upgrading past IE6, it's that doing so across 100 or 10,000 machines is a huge task and not worthwhile from a cost-benefit standpoint.
Have you ever worked in that sort of environment? "doing so across 100 or 10,000 machines is a huge task and not worthwhile from a cost-benefit standpoint" contradicts my own experiences.
AFAIK IE 5.01 on Windows 2000 was supported until the end of support of Win2000, despite the fact it was dying by 2005 or so, exactly because it was bundled with Win2000.
Not necessarily. IE6 is a terrible browser that was made more terrible by its widespread adoption, meaning everybody had to support it.
As more users adopt auto-updating browsers like Chrome (and hopefully soon, Firefox) and as browser market share spreads out, there may not be a single browser that is both terrible and widely-used. So there may be no economic reason for supporting the worst browsers.
The major problem is testing. Many corporations have in-house Web applications—both custom and third-party—that they access through their Web browsers, and before any new browser upgrade can be deployed to users, it must be tested to verify that it works correctly and doesn't cause any trouble with business-critical applications.
Is this really necessary with Firefox or any WebKit browser? If your app is running in Firefox, presumably it's actually written properly to standards (as opposed to being written against whatever Microsoft shipped 10 years ago). Firefox 5 doesn't change that much, just like Chrome releases. (err, what version am I on? Who cares?)
If your app is running in Firefox, presumably it's actually written properly to standards
Unfortunately, as I learned in 10 years of corporate consulting work, that presumption isn't entirely true. The typical corporate webapp I've encountered was written to the corporate browser standard du jour, with very little attention paid to standards. It likely has poor unit test coverage and absolutely no automated testing of client-side markup or code. High profile apps are likely to be an exception - I recently worked on software that delivers market data to the people making billion-dollar trades. It's top notch and awe-inspiring in every respect. But for every one of these, there are 100 apps that let you change your insurance plan, submit new automated deposit instructions, request vacation time, check inventory levels, etc. All done on the absolute cheap by developers whose true skill set is usually integration with legacy ERP software.
The devops folks are right to be wary of a new browser deploys in such an environment.
Exactly. This "new browser version will break everything" argument applies very much to Internet Explorer, but IMO not so much to better browsers like Firefox and Chrome. There might be minor quirks here and there, but those are never going to be serious enough to require more than a couple of days of testing if the app is standards-compliant to begin with.
As an example. Run something like Test 262( which is the official test suite for JavaScript 5 and you'll see how many compatibilitiy issues there are just for this single spec in Firefox. It's in the hundreds.
Anyone of these could potentially break an app. And that is just for one of the many specs in Firefox.
On the Mozilla technology page it specifically calls out ES5 support. There is no qualifier, so I am assuming that they believe they are fully supporting it.
Your argument about Intranet apps not coded to standards seems circular. If browsers (like Firefox) don't implement the standards properly, then how can Intranet apps code to standards? It has to start with browsers.
Yep. Support for all the new ES5 features... Doesn't guarantee that it's all bug-free, sadly. That said, you may be interested in the graph shown in (ignoring for the moment the "start at 50%" inanity).
You may also be interested to note that changes continue to be made to the ES5 specification; the most recent ones happened just a few months ago. The whole moving target thing makes it hard to comply with all the edge cases at all times, obviously. I would not be surprised if there are now test262 tests that are testing the old language, and will need to be fixed just like browsers will need to be fixed.
> Your argument about Intranet apps not coded to standards
> seems circular.
I wasn't making an argument; just stating a fact.
But note that the non-standard assumptions that intranet apps make are not even in the sort of things that 262test shows as broken in browsers: the latter tend to be somewhat esoteric due to the obvious fact that browsers sort of agree on the JS used on the web. But intranet apps tend to be coded to particular DOM quirks (in areas where the standard often doesn't define behavior to start with), particular HTML parsing quirks (until recently there was no standard for parsing HTML), and so forth.
Or put another way, intranet apps have a tendency to find situations where there is no behavior defined by a standard and depend on behavior in those situations, when the smart thing to do would be to avoid those situations entirely.
There seems to be a consensus that enterprise wants one kind of browser and everyone else wants another kind of browser.
Put another way, what does Firefox have to gain from catering to enterprise needs? Funding? They have plenty at the moment. Code contribution? I doubt they really want code from companies who seem dependent on crudware internal apps.
So, let them continue to write cruddy web apps that only work in IE. Perhaps their users will complain, and the IT guy will install Chrome, or Firefox. Then their employees will have to switch between browsers when they log into their HR portal or accounts billing or whatever. That doesn't seem so terrible a thing.
Although I'm not involved with enterprise software, I am worried by the direction Firefox and Chrome are taking: in addition to being a platform for deploying applications, the web is the most important way for readers and writers to share text on the internet, and I worry that rapidly improving the web's ability to deploy applications will make it less suitable for reading and writing. For example, if the web would have been used only for reading and writing, browsers would probably be a lot more stable than they actually are (since an application-delivery platform is a more complicated and consequently less stable thing than a text-delivery platform). And browsers probably wouldn't require half a gig of RAM like Firefox 5 does.
Note that it is not worth a writer's time to use an alternative to the web to deliver text over the net until a sufficiently large fraction of his potential audience is set up to use the alternative. Similarly, a reader cannot use the alternative to download or read a particular text unless a writer (well, owner of the text's copyright, to be more exact) chooses to publish in that alternative. And the existence of the web makes it hard for any such alternative to gain traction. So, readers and writers are stuck with the web for a number of years, until some alternative reaches critical mass.
So when I read about how the pursuit of the HTML 5 vision is causing pain for enterprise users, my first reaction is not to conclude that enterprise users are holding back the web, but rather to see the enterprise as a potential ally in the important project of preventing the HTML 5 program or the enhanced-web-app program from making reading and writing online a lot more difficult than it needs to be.
I don't see how the web is getting worse at sharing text. If anything, HTML5 makes it possible to mark up text in a more semantic way, improving access for screen readers for the blind, for example.
The fact that people CAN embed movies and audio does not prevent them from posting text. Nor are increasing RAM requirements a problem if you consider the market. I just checked Dell's site, and you can't even buy a laptop with less than 1GB of RAM right now, but you can get more than 16GB.
>I don't see how the web is getting worse at sharing text.
I already gave some reasons, and here is one more: if the web had stayed a means of sharing text and images, it would not be one of the most popular ways for attackers to get control of a desktop computer.
As a counterpoint, the next version of Firefox has support for automatic hyphenation, at least if the author asks for it. It could ship in August of this year (as currently planned), or it could ship a year and a half from now (the old schedule). Which do you prefer? Which do enterprises prefer?
>I worry that rapidly improving the web's ability to deploy applications will make it less suitable for reading and writing.
Will make it? It already has. The web as we know it is a fucking unfettered mess. We've just been jamming applications into a document format so hard for so long we're used to it. You are right though, its going to get a lot worse.
We need a new platform. We're probably not going to get one, the "web" is just going to expand to engulf every bit of functionality a new platform would have, but bring along over two decades worth of evolutionary cruft. I've resolved to just stay out of the way, not fight the inevitable.
"If a company really does need to perform extensive validation and verification of its software, perhaps using a browser to deliver that software just isn't appropriate."
If a company really does need to perform extensive validation and verification of its software, perhaps using a browser to deliver that software just isn't appropriate.
First, any time you have software that is a key part of your line of business you have to do extensive validation and verification.
Second, rapidly upgrading browsers isn't something inherent in browsers. As enterprises have shown, you can stick with the same major version of a browser for years w/o any degredation in the core business.
At the end of the day for a lot businesses its just a runtime for deploying CRUD apps. The browser is a fine mechanism for that.
> As enterprises have shown, you can stick with the same major version of a browser for years
As the article points out, it is only really true of IE -- the 'enterprise-friendly' browser -- that feature updates are accompanied by major version change. It's somewhat disingenuous to generalise that to 'a browser' when most browser makers have found that release model to be inadequate and their growing market share bears them out.
> w/o any degredation in the core business.
There's a conflation here, by enterprise, between browser-as-client for in-house apps and browser-as-web-browser. If your test for degradation is that the in-house apps continue to work then sure, that's verifiable. But if you acknowledge that the same program is used for both purposes then you would find it much harder to show that no degradation of user experience and productivity have occurred.
I personally think the success or failure of the rolling release model with separate streams for early adopters depends entirely on the QA standards of the vendor. Google has shown that with stringent QA, this model can help greatly in catching bugs before the mainstream user is exposed to them. This is what inspires the confidence that allows people to accept silent push updates. If Mozilla can be as effective in quarantining bugs before general release then they will earn the same level of trust. But if they're not able to keep major bugs out of the limelight using this process, it's going to be extremely counterproductive. I worry that they're just not militant enough about QA to make this work.
It's somewhat disingenuous to generalise that to 'a browser' when most browser makers have found that release model to be inadequate and their growing market share bears them out.
My point is that it's not inherent in the notion of a browser that enterprises have to upgrade. IE is simply the existence proof.
There's a conflation here, by enterprise, between browser-as-client for in-house apps and browser-as-web-browser. If your test for degradation is that the in-house apps continue to work then sure, that's verifiable. But if you acknowledge that the same program is used for both purposes then you would find it much harder to show that no degradation of user experience and productivity have occurred.
While most in the tech industry will not agree with me on this, but the inability to browse the general web would not be that grave of a detriment on the productivity of the enterprise.
I personally think the success or failure of the rolling release model with separate streams for early adopters depends entirely on the QA standards of the vendor.
This is necessary, but not sufficient. Another big thing they need to do is to not break code, even if intentional. Probably the bigget thing they can do here is to not introduce "experimental" features, and then tweak them over time. The way a lot of devs work, whether you like it or not, is to find a feature from the web that solves their problem, put it in their code and test it on their current browser. If it works then they're happy. Three months later when that feature changes, because the feature isn't finalized anyways, you now have a bunch of apps this guy wrote that just broke.
> The way a lot of devs work, whether you like it or not, is to find a feature from the web that solves their problem, put it in their code and test it on their current browser. If it works then they're happy.
It's not a matter of whether I like it, it's a matter of whether those people remain employed. It would be ridiculous to hold off on new features until they're fully supported just because of the unprofessionalism of some enterprise web devs.
> Probably the bigget thing they can do here is to not introduce "experimental" features, and then tweak them over time.
See, what we're talking about here in practice is the web standards development process. Currently it is collaborative and driven by experimentation, dialogue and feedback from the field. It has proven to be immensely successful in assuring cross-browser compatibility. What you're suggesting instead is a traditional software development approach where any relevant standards are either already nailed down, proprietary or made irrelevant by monopoly. This may have worked for Microsoft in the past. It's not going to work now.
it's a matter of whether those people remain employed. It would be ridiculous to hold off on new features until they're fully supported just because of the unprofessionalism of some enterprise web devs.
Of course they remain employed. Why? Because these browsers simply won't be used. It'a easier to fix the problem by not changing browsers than trying to hire the all-star enterprise dev team.
What you're suggesting instead is a traditional software development approach where any relevant standards are either already nailed down, proprietary or made irrelevant by monopoly.
Indeed I am. The enterprise isn't concerned with Mozilla doing something interesting with the web. That's not their business. That's up to Mozilla to figure out how to get it done right. GE could careless about Mozilla. If Mozilla ships a browser that works best for GE then they'll use it. If not, they won't. I think the answer is for the vast majority of enterprises now and in the future, they'll simply not use FF. Mozilla appears to actually want it that way. Everyone seems to be happy.
A note: I'm 10 years removed from the enterprise. It seems to me, organizations who respond to change are the ones best staffed, skilled and tooled to weather change.
The FF fighters are in a tough place. It seems the momentum shifted and is on the side of rapid and responsible products closer to what is a SaaS offering, but desktop software is beginning to deliver updates near SaaS pace. Yet a major version number isn't reflective of features/functionality these days. It's a schedule. Perhaps that's the most unnerving aspect -- shifting rev numbers. It's not difficult, but takes a leap of faith and sales to your manager.
I'm guessing the organizations will have to make a major IT expenditure to meet the One True Path -- not buying into a vendor's plan, but making your own. A vendor should get you closer to your vision, but not dictate it. Ten years ago, enterprises got burned on web apps. You bought into a vision. Now, you can pick the best of the best and relatively cheaply, integrate them. I remember a multi-year, multi-million dollar project to get Siebel and JD Edwards to play well. I dearly hope it's not the case. There are young billion dollar companies running on commodity hardware and software with profit margin inbetween.
I haven't seen any commentary on the fact that Firefox's plugin system is completely based on browser version number when specifying compatibility in install.rdf.
Do they expect all developers to release a new version of their extensions every 6 weeks, or do they expect us to effectively say "my extension is compatible with every future version of firefox" which is impossible to guarantee?
There are very good reasons for the "major" version number to exist. Why would they ditch that? Just bump a minor number instead... I see no benefit to this approach.
Hello! I work for Mozilla. To address the problems with our extension versioning system, we've begun running an automated suite of tests against addons that will automatically make them as compatible with the next version of Firefox. The system performed well for the 4 -> 5 update, and we expect to tune it better. Additionally, if developers use the new set of extension APIs as opposed to the older ones, compatibility is a much simpler affair.
I use an API that you pass a callback into and get an fd in response. You then monitor the fd and invoke a process function when there's something to read which results in your callback being fired with results. I haven't checked js-ctypes for some time so I could be wrong about this type of thing not being possible with it.
I figure if I'm going to do a rewrite I might as well go down the NPAPI path (via as then I can pick up Chrome.
Firefox is not developed in secret. It is possible to see which breaking changes will probably be included before it is actually released. Mozilla is probably also willing to discuss changes with extension developers.
I fail to see why it is offensive to suggest that extension developers use this time.
It's because it's a colossal waste of time. Instead of Mozilla using a rational versioning policy, whereby major versions mean major changes, you're wasting everyone in the ecosystem's time instead (thousands of people's time, as opposed to a handful).
Or they can see how many of their users are using FF and decide if it's worth hiring a "upgrade response" team just for chasing Mozilla's tail. Personally, if I wasn't getting enough money from FF users I would just drop the whole platform and stick with something more stable.
I'd be really curious to know the frequency of IT departments reaching the conclusion that nope, FireFox x.y should NOT be installed. I have a suspicion that this is some ridiculously lengthy process that always gets a thumbs up at the end. However, I have zero experience in this so I am more than willing to believe that that's not the case.
Some years ago I asked one of the IT guys at a company I worked at about this. They had a laborious checklist to go through to make sure that no internal or external web apps broke.
This sounds like a small job, but the number of things to check when dealing with apps built internally and externally over the course of a decade or more is not insignificant. Factor in the failure case being potentially hundreds of staff answering phone calls with "Sorry, our system is broken" and you can understand the conservatism towards upgrades.
In the time he'd been at the company (18 months) two upgrades had been held back, one due to a bad stylesheet in an internal app and a second due to an incompatibility with a third-party site that used client SSL certificates.
It took a long time for Firefox to get the thumbs up as a supported browser for internal apps where I work. Like FF 3.5 maybe? Before that, if you reported issues, they told you to use the standard shipped IE on our laptop images. I imagine that the result of this kind of thing will be that FF goes back to the unsupported list.
(This is especially a bummer for those using Linux desktops.)
The basic idea is that if you do something lengthy and laborious and generate documentation that no-one will ever read then if/when it all goes wrong, you cannot be blamed, no matter how spurious your work is. It's like making sure you do all the right steps in a raindance, or ceremony for warding-off evil demons.
Basically when one of their low level "packaging" people screws up the install script. It took me 3 months for an IT department to give me an updated Java VM, as they had marked it "incompatible."
Can't help but compare to Apple's recent Final Cut Pro update: screw one segment over (hard core niche users) for greater riches in others (larger prosumer market). Whether it turns out to be genius or the death of a great product, only time will tell for both FF and Final Cut Pro.
But when I considers how Ubuntu and Red Hat approach life cycle, I can't help but wonder why FF, also open source, couldn't find folks willing to support an enterprise long-life version. Perhaps that tells us something about how much the enterprises really value a stand-alone and open source browser vs. IE, Chrome, and Opera, all their whining aside.
Isn't there a pretty obvious business here? Neatly package (MSI) and test Firefox + every single update to it, and offer to certify webapps (run a cucumber/selenium test suite against each patch level) as guaranteed to run on "Enterprise Firefox". Plus support. Then corporate IT has their backs free (they're not installing cowboy open source weirdness), and the business gets to use a sane browser.
EOL'ing Firefox 4 after just three months does seem pretty abrupt. Many commercial products will support security fixes for the current and previous versions. Of course, Firefox 5 will presumably EOL'd in three months when Firefox 6 is released...
I think it's just the flip from doing N.X.Y updates for so long to making a major increment every 3 months. If you were running 4.2.1 and three months later they were running 4.5.2, would you necessarily say "Hey, you're EOLing 4.2.1 too soon!", or just click the "Update" button without thinking about it?
If enterprise web-app developers were to test capabilities rather than browser versions, this would be a moot point. This has been the advice from most browser vendors and js library builders for years.
The problem here is poorly written web apps, and not mozilla.
The core issue is this - enterprises can reduce testing and maintenance costs for their internal apps because they can control and standardize their browser enviroment. Sites that cater to users at large (like a yahoo) have no control over what browsers their users choose. So, they have to bear significantly higher testing costs.
I haven't heard a persuasive argument for enterprises to change their web development practice and bear significantly higher testing costs. So my expectation is that they will continue on the path that they have been on traditionally.
For mission critical enterprise web apps you can always use the Citrix option. Run an obsolete, tested browser on an intranet server and let employees access it from their desktops (looks just like a local browser but runs remotely). Lock down the network access from that Citrix server to only authorized web apps to eliminate the security risk from unpatched security holes.
Then you can keep the main desktop browsers up to date without worrying about frequent regression testing.
It's a fuss about a number. Ars has a good point – there was no backlash about EOLing 3.6.3 when 3.6.4 came out, but the actual changes in this version were probably just as risky as changes between 4.0 and 5.0.
This new release policy just doesn't make any sense. Sure Chrome is flashy and their release cycle is fast but they're also consistent (also young). OSX and Ubuntu release like clockwork. People appreciate consistency.
Also, when 5 was announced the state of extensions support was uncertain (I finally got the Delicious add-on back working again without compatibility fiddling and definitely didn't want to mess with it).
Having said that, the unrealistic and bureaucratic IT policies of backwards companies are their problem and not for open source to solve (are they donating?). If they're so concerned maybe they should hire someone to contribute to the project full-time so they can stay abreast of changes and maybe have a say in the direction of development.
This new release policy just doesn't make any sense.
Speaking as a Mozilla developer - sure it does! We release every 6 weeks, and don't hold new releases for features. In the past, we ran into far too many cases where new feature X that wasn't ready held up a release for all the other features that were ready. Now, we'll just remove or disable that new feature and ship.
OSX and Ubuntu release like clockwork. People appreciate consistency.
Two things: 1) OS X releases at the whim of Apple, not "like clockwork." 2) Every 6 weeks is "like clockwork"! :)
How are Mozilla developers like you going to keep my Evernote add-on working in Mozilla now? You guys will be breaking all the add-ons every 3 months, too.
Mozilla developers needs to be thinking about more than what is convenient for Mozilla developers. There's a whole of eco-system of add-ons, themes, etc that other people provide that makes for Mozilla you are going to be breaking every couple of months now.
It’s 6 weeks, not 3 months. Still, addons that are hosted on are now automatically tested. Ones that don’t touch code that changed in that release timeframe have their max version automatically increased.
Weeeeel, osx was on an 18 month cycle of releases up until about 10.5ish. Then they toned it down, mainly I think due to there not being much to do oswise. (COUGH, memory dedup in the vm subsystem COUGH).
I think of any software an OS would benefit the most from a timed release schedule. Ref: Linux/*BSD, don't ref: Hurd.
Firefox and Ubuntu: making sure that no-one ever again is confused whether or not FOSS might be usable for people who have other things to do than updating their software.
Firefox (and Chrome) updates should be seen in the same way as virus definition updates - something that can indeed cause chaos [1][2][3], but is too useful and sensible to do any other way. Similarly to virus definition updates, typically these updates don't get tested before being rolled out.