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Apple has a good track record of taking something that failed to catch on initially and then making it the must-have commodity.

And the common reasoning/criticism given is that Apple has good marketing and status but I think the real truth is that on average Apple’s products are executed well.

I have a Tile that I’ve used for a few years now and I’ve stopped relying on it because it simply doesn’t work. I could care less about the social network, just the super basic “tell it to make my keys make noise because they’re in a 20ft radius of me.”

I got an AirTag last week and it actually works. Every time. From the two furthest corners of my apartment and buried in my closet. It really is crazy how much of an advantage Apple has by designing their own hardware.

Not just designing their own hardware, but owning the full software stack, too. I wonder if it'd even be possible to implement an AirTag equivalent on iOS using only the publicly available bluetooth functionality.

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