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On average, no not really. I'd say that roughly 15-20% have found decent positions but it is really hard to say because some students just might not be very active on slack/linkedin.

I'd take a look at the subreddit r/LambdaSchool to read more about the changes (note that Austen the CEO is the only mod there and removes posts). One example is the removal of the Team Lead program (which kind of sucked in the first place because they didn't vet anyone) and replaced it with an auto-graded system so everyone was just on their own. There are students who went through the entire curriculum and didn't have a single person review their code. Ever. This is just one example of how chaotic it is.

As a student that experienced the changes you were talking about... Before the TLs were removed, my code was vetted by my TL (and she was a good one, thank goodness), but after the changes, not a single person vetted it. I could probably have sent DMs to various people to get some sort of code review, but as a standard process, it wasn't available anymore.

I went through the program much earlier than you did. Having a good TL (or PM as they used to call them) was the biggest difference between passing and not some units. I was one at one point too, and there are a lot of bad habits you need to get students out of by pointing out in reviews repeatedly.

I haven't had contact with anyone from the school since they exiled all the alumni last year. But before that I'd say at least 80% of my cohort got hired by 4 months out. Sad to hear how far it's fallen.

Out of curiosity what was your cohort size?

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