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You'd think that a fab would be one of the least likely work places where one would pick up covid. The air is constantly filtered, you're wearing bunny suits with face coverings and the density of people is pretty low.

This fab is in an ultraconservative city where masks and social distancing are not practiced. The workers have been getting COVID from the community, not at work.

But if I have covid and you and I are both wearing those weird space suit looking things (I don’t know what they actually are called) you would think the odds of me giving you covid would be minuscule right?

Not everyone at the plant wears a full suit. A lot of the workers are sitting in offices most of the day monitoring systems, or are working on supporting systems like chemical pipes, or loading and unloading trucks.

And then everyone sees each other outside of work anyway. Some of the people at the plant are family, or as close as family. Some go to the same church. Some go camping or fishing together on the weekends

I once heard the story of a family of 6 all working in one Intel fab. So small is the industry.

I assume people have to eat lunch somewhere.

As though people don't get Covid in other cities? NYC has the worst stats in the country.

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