The 2003 invasion of Iraq has killed 500,000 civilians.
The sanctions on Cuba over the past 70 years have curtailed their access to food and medical equipment.
Beat policemen in America can have a "bad day" and execute someone they feel "threatened" by with near impunity. They happen to feel threatened by people with extra melanin more often than not.
In the 1940s, the start of the epoch you specified, we put Japanese in camps. You can just imagine what would have happened if there was a mainland invasion of the country.
the genocide of indigenous people in the US is ongoing to this day.
as mentioned by other commenters, the Indonesian genocide of '65-'66 was enthusiastically supported (watch The Act of Killing), along with numerous examples in Latin America. I know a few Salvadoran friends had family members who were murdered by the US-trained Atlacatl death squad. of course most were done in the name of anti-communism and are therefore sacrosanct in the American mythology.
and since we're on a thread about North Korea I would be remiss if I didn't also point out that the US killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in the Korean war, and one of our top generals at the time was a rabid advocate for genocide via nuclear attacks.
Its hard to narrow down my picks but ill go with the big 3.
500k Iraqis
2000k Vietnamizes
300k Afghanis
This is ignoring any "indirect" involvement in many, many coups in south America.
I honestly think the world would be safer if you fucked off for 50 years or so. Find a pet project closer to home you're interested in, those Mexican kids won't put themselves in cages after all.