Norway gave 21 years, their maximum sentence, plus “the possibility of one or more extensions for as long as he is deemed a danger to society” to Breivik for killing 69 people.
This seems like a better way to go. He will be evaluated for extensions of his sentence periodically, and (showing my ignorance of their system here) I presume the panel will include medical professionals who are more equipped to gauge his mental health and danger to society than a judge would.
A family member of mine was murdered in the 90s. I would advocate for the same treatment of the killer. Though I suppose I am still biased since it was unprovoked, and the killer would probably be judged a continual danger to society.
I'd prefer we treat prisons as mini-societies. Only a minimal set of rules should be set and enforced by the guards. The majority of the rules should be voted on and enforced by the prisoners themselves.
Guards would step in if things go awry, but in general there would be a strong incentive to cooperate and contribute as that would be the primary indicator that the prisoner is ready to be released and can contribute to society outside the prison.
This should make prisons much more self-sufficient and less costly.
This seems like a better way to go. He will be evaluated for extensions of his sentence periodically, and (showing my ignorance of their system here) I presume the panel will include medical professionals who are more equipped to gauge his mental health and danger to society than a judge would.
A family member of mine was murdered in the 90s. I would advocate for the same treatment of the killer. Though I suppose I am still biased since it was unprovoked, and the killer would probably be judged a continual danger to society.