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I love a good voting discussion. It's the most broken system (along with it's cousin, recommendation engines) on the web today.

Two comments:

1) What if, instead of quantitative information, we gather qualitative information? Slashdot doesn't ask you to vote up, it asks you to categorize the material. I like this much better.

2) Wouldn't it be fun to create an elitist site constructed solely around debating/discussing hot issues? You'd have to channel the ability of the audience to respond emotionally, but I bet you could come up with something like "Pop Wars" and it'd be a hoot. You could have ranking (special titles), virtual goods (rewards, do-dads, etc), and better yet, the system would drive to the top the most emotionally engaging and reasoned discussion of the hour. Something to pull you in and make you think (and participate). Not just a yes/no hot/cold POS. More like a battle where the audience categorizes the arguments, not approves or dissaproves of the contents of them. Email me if you'd like to discuss further.

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