So crashes are a relatively rare cause. They also break it down by the area the fire started:
- 63% engine area, running gear, or wheel area
- 11% passenger/operator area
- 5% cargo/trunk
- 3% exterior
- 2% fuel tank or line
Interpolating between those numbers, you might guess that between 20% and 40% of fires could be described as "engine spontaneously combusting." That would be 45,000 - 90,000 per year in the US.
So despite you never having heard of it, it does happen.
Thanks for finding that data. That's interesting. I'm amazed that that happens, because absent people bringing it up when talking about Tesla I've never really heard that before.
Most interesting is that the first part of an ICE to catch on fire is most frequently the electrical wiring. And even if it is a flammable liquid (the second most likely cause), it's only a 42% chance that liquid was gasoline!