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I'm guessing those strategies work well for phones but maybe not cars which are absolutely enormous amounts of battery and possibly wrapped around a tree at the time of the fire.

Here's what FEMA has to say (https://www.usfa.fema.gov/training/coffee_break/061819.html)

Secure a large, continuous and sustainable water supply — one or more fire hydrants or multiple water tenders. Use a large volume of water such as master stream, 2 1/2-inch or multiple 1 3/4-inch fire lines to suppress and cool the fire and the battery.

Right. A fire extinguisher is a "first aid" response to a fire. The kind of advice that's relevant to fire extinguisher usage is predicated on a small fire; general advice is that any fire larger than a small trash can is too big to fight with an extinguisher.

The fire department plays from a different rule book.

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