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Umm, how does block chain solve that? Someone, somewhere still has to physically host the server, and that someone is likely in a jurisdiction covered by some sort of government. Maybe I have an inadequate imagination, but I fail to see how blockchain would solve the problem of someone upset with the content physically unplugging the servers.

Sure, I could see a hosting company that had customers machines encrypted in a way where they were unable to determine what customer is tied to an asset or even who their customers are. However, if this hosting company had customers serving CP (as would surely happen with such a service) then if they were at all related to anywhere the US gov could possibly exert influence I would be willing to bet that the hosting company itself would be shut down at the least. Someone, somewhere physically needs to operate the servers, and some ISP/telco needs to provide interconnect. AWS isn't magical, they've just provided a much better UI over co-location, which has existed approximately forever in internet time.

Think of it this way-it is very strongly recommended that you don't run a TOR exit node from your home connection. Any amount of blockchain/crypto obfuscation doesn't do anything for the end operator of a service hosting objectionable content. And while I disagree with political censorship, I also don't doubt that a fully uncensored hosting service would end up >95% malware, exploitative porn, and the like.

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