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The Federal Reserve discontinued updating the M1 and M2 weekly money supply (kitco.com)
4 points by chenster on April 10, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I can remember when traders relied on the M1/M2 signals in their trading algorithms.

Not a good look considering indicators suggest inflation is accelerating[1]. Which would be an expected outcome considering how much money the US government printed over the course of the pandemic, and now how much we are about to print to support the next stimulus/infrastructure program.

>Chairman Powell has very explicitly claimed that money doesn't matter in recent testimony. He's basically said that money and the measurement of money doesn't really matter because it's unrelated to inflation

And I don't know how much faith the populous will put in his reasoning as I suspect confidence in government is rapidly eroding, not just in the US but in the first world. But something is probably wrong if your economic advisors are saying that money in circulation and money velocity suddenly don't influence the value of the dollar.

The US is a powderkeg and last year a couple fuses were lit.


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