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Thanks for the example - I’ve been looking for how to make mix packaging easy.

How do you add files to this build? For example, if I have this program.rb that depends on ruby:

    puts “Hello World”
And then you add a file called package.nix

    let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in
    pkgs.runCommand "my-app"
        buildInputs = [pkgs.ruby];
      pwd && ls;
      ruby ./program.rb
How do you get your files in there - like “ADD” in a Dockerfile?

You can splice file paths directly into the script, like this:

    let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in
    pkgs.runCommand "my-app"
        buildInputs = [pkgs.ruby];
        pwd && ls
        ruby ${./program.rb}
Or you could add it as an env var:

    let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in
    pkgs.runCommand "my-app"
        buildInputs = [pkgs.ruby];
        program = ./program.rb;
        pwd && ls;
        ruby "$program"

example in the manual: https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#chap-trivial-builde... shows how it creates a file `$out/message`.

If you want to write to nix store with stdenv use $out.

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