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The Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union hasn't always worked out for those workplaces that have brought them in.* In this instance, maybe unions aren't the solution to the "problem" or maybe the problem doesn't really exist?

* https://www.unionfacts.com/union/Retail,_Wholesale,_and_Depa...

You gotta be kidding me... this "Centre for Union Facts" is a 501(c) doesn't disclose it's donors. I'd bet dollars to donuts it's funded by businesses like Amazon and Walmart to do in their employees who want to collectively bargain. Probably a terribly biased source, for anyone who wants the real facts about unions.

So, you're implying the 11 union decertification petitions in the link I provided are fake or something?

11 union decertifications since 2009 is 1 per year. That's fine, great, people should decertify their union if it's corrupt or their needs change or whatever.

There's a separate point about 'unionfacts.com' with a bunch of anti-union stories on their website clearly being a propaganda op.

I don't know anything about the "stories" you're referring to, but the website I linked to also provides data on the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union's:

1. Basic info (including membership, which has significantly fallen in recent years) -- https://www.unionfacts.com/union/Retail,_Wholesale,_and_Depa... 2. Leaders and salaries (they seem to be well-paid) -- https://www.unionfacts.com/union/Retail,_Wholesale,_and_Depa... 3. Crime and corruption (are they more/less corrupt than an average union?) -- https://www.unionfacts.com/union/Retail,_Wholesale,_and_Depa...

... And so on.

If the data is incorrect, then there's reason to object to linking to the website. Is the data incorrect?

Is there a "pro-union" website that provides/aggregates the same data?

Check their home page for lots of provocative 'stories'.

I'm not an expert on this matter, but if a website smells like a propaganda op, I start wondering about data selection, spin and other forms of bias.

So you found some stats... great! (I can't see them, tabs don't load, I think you had a particular union in context somehow) How would I put that in context, is it possible that they're highlighting the worst things they can find, and spinning them as hard as they can, in the service of 'union facts'? Why do they have a 'crime & corruption' tab for every single union, is there a dollar figure? What went into that aggregate dollar fiture?

Where's the positive side, like 'new union contract increases pay' or whatever? It sounds like the only stats provided have a negative spin based on title alone.

I did notice that they helpfully linked to this website as well: http://aftfacts.com/ -- check out that homepage while you're at it :)

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