There must be some folks from Criteo lurking here. I'm an ex-Criteo'er and if memory serves we had something on the order of 10K nodes running mesos/marathon. We did all kinds of silly things to it, like running very CPU intensive .NET/Core apps.
We also ran HiveServer2 and the Hive Metastore in Mesos, though that wasn't super CPU intensive (that was a pain, but mostly due to our Kerberos deployment).
The general use case of Mesos/Marathon always worked for us just fine (self-executable JVM apps), though there was plenty of Mesos hate at Criteo (and eventually Kubernetes spun up, though I left about a year ago and don't know its footprint).
PS, Hi Greg S! Hi Maxime B! <-- if you're reading :).
I dug this post up showing a service performing an internal auction of up to 530M advertising campaigns/sec on 88K CPUs in Mesos:
We also ran HiveServer2 and the Hive Metastore in Mesos, though that wasn't super CPU intensive (that was a pain, but mostly due to our Kerberos deployment).
The general use case of Mesos/Marathon always worked for us just fine (self-executable JVM apps), though there was plenty of Mesos hate at Criteo (and eventually Kubernetes spun up, though I left about a year ago and don't know its footprint).
PS, Hi Greg S! Hi Maxime B! <-- if you're reading :).