Did you mean way out of Google Play Store due API 29? As that's why I mentioned f-droid and f-droid doesn't require API-target restrictions. Termux is being updated only on f-droid because of those changes.
If you meant Termux on Android 11, Here's the quote from the developer-
>"Most of things work on Android 11. Only few packages have issues (including zsh) and restricted /proc/net which renders network information utilities like netstat unusable without root. Rest seems working correctly unless hit by some known issue not related to Android 10+."[1]
Sorry that doesn't make any sense. The whole point of Termux is to make GNU/Linux tools available on Android without root by compiling it for the Termux environment, to run those packages from the user directory it needs exec(). You seem to suggest that it rather be android packages, for that you don't need Termux in the first place.
It makes perfectly sense, Android OS is not GNU/Linux, the Linux syscalls never were or will ever be part of the public API.
The public API is based on Java and a couple of NDK APIs, clearly enumerated by Google as stable APIs.
They can either adapt themselves to this reality, make use of those APIs in a mingw like way, creating wrappers, or die in their faith that Android is Linux, alongside countless attempts to GNU/Linux phones.
So they can either put in a monstrous effort to end up with a worse product or not be on the Play Store. I know what I'd choose. The kind of people who want Termux are capable of downloading an APK, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
With the governments waking up on big tech, it is very possible that you won't even have to root to have the Google Play UX with fdroid, like automatic background updates.
Used to be you had to jump through hoops to get other stores at all and now it's just a few clicks away.