Nice, thanks! Looks like you are working on growing mind share for the foreseeable future and layering in enterprise-specific features to close big deals. Do you foresee a sales team for this? Or do you think independent devs will self-serve their way into larger orgs?
Approaches one and two make sense to me. I'm a bit lost on approach three though.
So if I understand well, approach 1 is mindshare. Approach 2 is sales team, and approach 3 is bottom-up but self-serve.
So definitely approach 1. Will be focusing on the open-source edition for the next year or more. Doing that will help us being deployed in a lot of companies. And we hope this will help the sales team close the deals. So it would be a mix of 2 and 3. Makes sense?
Anyways, that's what we have in mind. And we'll learn by doing!