Oh yes, if you're going to expand on this, it would be great to include basically the range of games you typically see played at a local game store. This would span card games, board games, RPGs, and tabletop miniatures games. There's good resources out there for finding what titles are in demand. Boardgamegeek is a good one for board games, then for card games and miniatures games, any employee at a game store not called Games Workshop could give you the short list of titles to include!
I think board games are different from RPGs, though. Like, "Ticket to Ride" is a popular board game, but there isn't really a TtR community that's specifically looking for recurring sessions with other TtR players. It's more like there are board-game meetups that rotate through different games each time. (At least, that's been my experience at my FLGS.)
Games like Gloomhaven, which another poster mentioned, are a different ball game -- more like RPGs in that respect.