I agree with you completely—and I'm not saying that as just an obsequious response but because I know the issues you've raised are so important. Yet nowadays they are so often overlooked or paid scant attention thereto—which I'd suggest is even more so than in the past because training now has to cover a much more diverse range of subject matter than in the past. Leaving specialist courses aside, today, general courses on electrical engineering and electronics pay less emphasis on low noise/low-level analogue techniques and more on digital technology. For instance, I recall a good but inexperienced engineer coming to me with a board he'd constructed that was full of digital ICs but which he couldn't get working. A quick glance and I saw that he had left off all the bypass capacitors across the ICs' power rails—not by accident but by not realising their importance.
There's not the time or space to address your points in sufficient detail except to say that years ago, I used to work for a well-known electronics company that made radio and television broadcasting equipment and I was employed in its prototype laboratory. My work covered a diverse range of technologies including audio, VHF and microwave. All those points you've mentioned were day-to-day bread and butter and we had to address them in detail as the equipment had to pass/comply with broadcast standards. For example, we had to design audio equipment so that the 600Ω balanced lines joining them had to reach a specified common mode rejection ratio, this involved multiple techniques, shielding, good earthing, using 'technical' earths and testing EMR leakage to and from interconnecting cables (for instance, Belden Beldfoil cables)—all of which were especially important in very low distortion designs that didn't rely on transformers to achieve balanced inputs and outputs.
Similar issues were relevant in RF and microwave equipment, minimizing stray capacitance and inductance in chassis/component layouts, etc. Rather than give you an example I refer you to one of my treasured books on the subject, Microwave Receivers edited by S.N. Van Voorhis, 1948, specifically pages 261-266, Section 10.6 (although other nearby sections are also relevant). This book is ancient but the theory and rules still apply. It's part (vol 23) of the 28 volume Rad Lab† series produced after WWII and this set is still one of the greatest tomes ever written on any subject in engineering. It can be downloaded from the Internet Archive from here: https://archive.org/details/MITRadiationLaboratorySeries23Mi.... (Incidentally, I still have my softcover Dover edition from when I was a teenager, it's not the kind of book you throw out.)
My apologies for not replying to you earlier, I printed the paper out (as I like to make notes in the margins), but I managed to be sidetracked longer than expected. I downloaded the paper in a hurry and I initially thought you were its author and just wanted comment on it. It wasn't until I looked more closely at the download URL and saw 'ucdavis' that I realized that the file resides on that site and not the one where the author works.
There are several issues here: (a) this topic will time out in a few days and I'll not be able to contact you about the matter, that's likely a problem; (b) the paper address both general shielding issues and some very specific ones that relate to specialist research equipment; and (c), whilst I am happy to provide some general comment on the paper here at HN, there are some in-depth issues that I would prefer not to comment thereon given the paper's origin and the nature of my intended comment.
The reason for my point (c) is that I used to work at an establishment whose work concerned itself with hardware that is somewhat related to that mentioned in the paper and thus its instrumentation incorporated magnetic and EMR shielding of a similar standard to that [which would likely be] employed on equipment mentioned in the paper.
This raises two issues and it depends on your reason for asking in the first instance. If you want general information about shielding then I have no trouble giving that; alternatively, if you work with technology similar to that which is discussed on page 4 of the paper then it's a somewhat different matter. Thus, I would have to be much more specific as the shielding requirements are not only anything but trivial but also they are often much more demanding to implement. It's here that I have some issues with the paper and it would be unfair to air them in public without informing the author first (and as he's not sought feedback the matter is moot).
If you are involved in similar technologies that demand similar standards of shielding then I'd be glad to discuss the matter further in private but that seems difficult given there's no way on HN to exchange private messages/ensure privacy.
Anyway, please provide me with more specifics about your application/requirement and if I can contribute anything useful then I'll try to help.
There's not the time or space to address your points in sufficient detail except to say that years ago, I used to work for a well-known electronics company that made radio and television broadcasting equipment and I was employed in its prototype laboratory. My work covered a diverse range of technologies including audio, VHF and microwave. All those points you've mentioned were day-to-day bread and butter and we had to address them in detail as the equipment had to pass/comply with broadcast standards. For example, we had to design audio equipment so that the 600Ω balanced lines joining them had to reach a specified common mode rejection ratio, this involved multiple techniques, shielding, good earthing, using 'technical' earths and testing EMR leakage to and from interconnecting cables (for instance, Belden Beldfoil cables)—all of which were especially important in very low distortion designs that didn't rely on transformers to achieve balanced inputs and outputs.
Similar issues were relevant in RF and microwave equipment, minimizing stray capacitance and inductance in chassis/component layouts, etc. Rather than give you an example I refer you to one of my treasured books on the subject, Microwave Receivers edited by S.N. Van Voorhis, 1948, specifically pages 261-266, Section 10.6 (although other nearby sections are also relevant). This book is ancient but the theory and rules still apply. It's part (vol 23) of the 28 volume Rad Lab† series produced after WWII and this set is still one of the greatest tomes ever written on any subject in engineering. It can be downloaded from the Internet Archive from here: https://archive.org/details/MITRadiationLaboratorySeries23Mi.... (Incidentally, I still have my softcover Dover edition from when I was a teenager, it's not the kind of book you throw out.)
† List of Rad Lab series: http://web.mit.edu/klund/www/books/radlab.html