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Those are very creative use cases for fzf, I had never considered doing something like that.

My usage of it probably counts as quite basic. That said, I use it constantly. I just love the feeling of real time interaction it gives - it is well and truly part of my muscle memory now.

I use the vim plugin too, which is also brilliant and makes navigating larger projects very quick and easy. I use these two extra bindings all the time:

  nnoremap <silent> <C-Space> yiw:Rg <C-r>"<CR>
  vnoremap <silent> <C-Space> y:Rg <C-r>"<CR>
They're very simple, but when combined with the ability to add search items to the quickfix list it makes for a pretty powerful workflow.

The first one in particular gives a great approximation of symbol search that 'just works' anywhere.

Yeah, the ability to fake a "show all references to this identifier" via integrated ':Rg' is the greatest feature of FZF I've encountered yet, and makes for a passable substitute of one language-server must-haves.

I must have bindings that are overriding what that should do, can you explain what <C-space> y and yiw should normally do?

Hey, sorry that I didn't really try to explain the bindings. Climb_stealth said it all really but here are some extra bits.

The first one is a normal mode binding (the n in nnoremap). yiw copies the word you are currently on (without surrounding spaces), and then <C-r>" pastes that into the :Rg command. The :Rg command is part of the fzf vim plugin and it is a wrapper around ripgrep (see the link from climb_stealth), which gives you fuzzy search over the results of a ripgrep search.

There is more detail on the <C-r>" command here:


It's basically just how you paste the contents of registers into commands.

The second one is almost exactly the same except that it is a visual mode mapping (the v in vnoremap). If you highlight something with visual mode, then use that command, it will search for the highlighted text using ripgrep.

<C-Space> is just the key chord that the command is bound to. It is a pretty arbitrary personal choice, I find it a very quick and easy chord combination but you can put whatever you want in there. For example, <C-S> would activate the command when you pressed the chord 'control + s'.

There is quite a good list of keys that are unused by vim here:


You can pick whatever you want but I prefer not to override any of the default bindings.

Hope that helps!

Very helpful! Thank you for the great detail!

'yiw' is yank inner word. It basically copies the current word from wherever you are in that word. The pure yank 'y' I presume would just work if you already have something highlighted. It looks like these shortcuts take the current word or current selection and pass it to Rg [0] to be searched for.

I don't have the plugin but it sounds super useful and I'm going to give them a try.

[0] Rg being ripgrep, see https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep

Thank you!

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