It’s been a a bit since I was a C++ developer, but didn’t LLVM spur GCC on to improve significantly? Maybe LLVM and GCC are pretty comparable today with respect to build time and performance, but I think the more interesting question is how LLVM compares to GCC ten years ago (or more precisely, where GCC would be today were it not for competition from LLVM). Personally I’m glad there are multiple options, and people seem to prefer using LLVM for a language backend more than GCC for whatever reason, so it seems like a significant contribution to our digital society.
In some places it's clear: LLVM's error messages were head and shoulders better than GCC's, and it was immediately obvious to everyone that GCC had to improve. And they're much better now.
But I don't believe GCC has made substantial improvements to its compilation speed since LLVM was introduced. In fact I believe it to be the opposite; as a Gentoo user I generally notice that compilation performance gets worse with every major GCC update. It's only due to hardware upgrades that compilation gets shorter.
LLVM is inherently much more modular than GCC is, which makes it a very attractive target for a language backend. It's a very large amount of work to shoehorn a language into GCC. The modular nature of LLVM is quite useful for lots of purposes, it is the back end for the syntax highlighting and error highlighting module I use in emacs. clang-format is a godsend for me, and unlike most other autoformatters, it formats based on semantics instead of syntax, which is a huge boon. The static analyzer and llvm-mca are also closely tied to the modularity of LLVM. It's not immediately obvious how one might implement these features based on GCC.
So yes, I 100% agree that LLVM is a hugely beneficial contribution to our digital society, even though it's not my first choice for a compiler.